This is great advice for any start ups/entrepreneurs need to hear. this is not just in the tech area. I have seen this in different fields. People with great ideas do use the lure of equity, (I have seen my share of “working partners in restaurants.) or a percentage. I have experienced this when I was doing graphic design. “You have such a fun job, can you create a logo for cheap?” Individuals do not see that they need to spend money on someone who is has a skill they require. You have to pay them.
I pay people who help me with research if I require it for a specific topic. I ask experts who I do connect with what is your fee to talk with me for 15 minutes? You come off as a professional.
Your article should be called the cost of doing business. Coming off cheap, offering percentages for help and assistance with your start up is not the way to go. It is a legal headache to create a work agreement for partners, working partners, consultants. Many startups need to sit down with a business/intellectual properties attorneys to learn about the pitfalls of bringing your great idea to the public.