Thank you, for this very timely article.
I wrote this on another one’s articles about the addiction to our need for update approval. Here is again
12–15–2017 Update- The Mad Men advertising psychology is old. Edward Bernaise, the nephew of Sigmund Freud read all of Freud’s work and understood how to manipulate groups of people. During the World Wars this was called propaganda. It got people to start Victory Gardens, and buy war bonds. After the wars Madison Avenue and Bernaise came up with the term public relations. Nonprofit, profit and businesses of all kinds are vying for your attention and it is working.
Clicks, Claps, Smiley Face, Upvotes
Which one are you addicted to to make you happy?
A very good piece that is timely, thank you.
The saddest thing I saw the other day was a question on Quora.
What made you sad today?
The person answered Anonymously and answered that Quora made them sad. This person wrote that they have been answering questions for sometime and have not gotten the satisfaction of enough upvotes to make them happy.
We as a species seem to be on a dire treadmill in trying to get our next hit of happy, even if it comes in the form of a click, clap or upvote. Social media has many people becoming dissatisfied in the popular platforms because keeping up with the Jones’s is now a click away.
I write on Quora and only have a handful of followers. I have an even a smaller amount of followers here. This does not stop me from writing because it is the process of writing that give me satification. I write to help even that one reader that stumbles upon something I have written. I am acknowledging and validating that person.
Maybe we should rethink about the importance of the word happiness and look to the word satisfaction. People perform all sorts of projects, home improvement, decorating, writing, saving lives. We all do this. We strive. We just cannot seem to grasp the concept that what we have accomplish should make us happy. Did you help your child learn? That should be an accomplishment anyone should be happy with. You gave time, energy and presence to that person.
Society values the acquisition of wealth as success. Success equals happiness. It is at the end of life that regrets come and haunt us. We parcel out time like misers in segments.
I once stood on a corner in downtown Disney once. I watched for sometime the cars and the people in them as they left the Magic kingdom. Not many seemed to be happy.
So stop and build a snowman this season.