I am an Imaginary Person!
“Hey, Do you want to meet my mom?” Scott asked, as we drove away from the Mall of the Americas.
“Sure!” My voice getting croaky.
Scott White is a long time fan of Need Coffee Dot Com’s show “Weekend Justice”, which I am the Artist in Residence.
“You know, for years mom would tell me that the people I listen and talk to on the internet were imaginary.”
Our fan Scott over the years, would at times drunk dial me to ask important questions such as, “Is it okay for hobos to wear white gloves in the summer?”
This is the last day of my time in St. Paul/Minneapolis, Scott and I are venturing around the city he loves (it is a requirement to love your city for me to visit). We see the funeral home, now a Russian art gallery his grandfather owned and ran. (“It smells the same.”) He loves his folks and therefore, it was easy to say yes.
We pulled up in a suburb section of Minneapolis. Scott’s parent’s house is a pleasant ranch style home. Scott is pleased to see that his dad’s car is there. As we walk in to the house, Scott calls out, “Hey mom, you remember all the times you said my internet friends were imaginary?”
“Yes”, came the reply from a room off of the kitchen.
“Well, I brought one home.”