Happenstance — The joy of life
While walking to a mailbox to post some letters, (people still do that) I stopped to chat with a neighbor who was watching his granddaughter on what he calls Papa Wednesday. He told me he had had a late night. He attended our city council’s hearing on HRO (Human Rights Ordinance), a very important fight to end descrimination and encourage equality. A vote to Jacksonville, FL a better place. He told me he waited until after eleven p.m. for his turn to address our City Council.
While he was speaking his spritely young granddaughter played. She skipped up to me and placed a newly blossomed azalea in my hand. I thanked her and then thanked her grandfather. She for the generosity of a natural gift to me. To her grandfather, for his generousity of his time and courgage to speak out for the need of equality.
What happens when you walk out the door?